5D Blog

You live during “the many storms” but you are not “of the many storms”.


You live during “the many storms” but you are not “of the many storms”.

As the old world is washed away along with our inner and outer maps, comfort zones, systems and beliefs, you have a choice:


you stay stuck in old lower Duality Frequency continuing to be mesmerised by, distracted, usurped, pirated and preoccupied mentally and emotionally by the old Duality two-step dance/dramas false flag agendas going on between things like the war in Ukraine, the pandemic, vaccinations, politics, riots, protests, marches etc. and all the rest.

Or you can escape the limbic hijacking and:

refuse to engage with the Duality Dramas going on all around you.

maintain your frequency, focus, intentions and conscious creating in and from Triality/Unity

discover the parts of you that are non-fragile and that actually benefit from disorder

know that Empathy is the most revolutionary of all emotions

give practical service to others without a halo wherever you happen to be

prioritise dialogue and shared meaning and connection

swing towards interdependence not independence

make a real and lasting commitment to something bigger than your small Self

walk your talk

know that Truth works magic

Instead of buying into either the usual utopian or dystopian projections of the future when we’re either living in heaven on earth with angel wings or we’re all toast, don’t expect it to be perfect and get comfortable with the Mystery, with What Is.

New! My APRIL 2022 Report: ”The Jupiter/Neptune Conjunction - a Tsunami of Dissolution “. Sign up in the Shop: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Something big this way comes ……… Jupiter/Neptune conjunctions happen every 12 years but this one on April 12th will be supercharged since both gas giants Jupiter and Neptune share rulership of Pisces, which punches up their energies. The last time this happened was back in 1856 and before then in 1690, and before then 1524.

New! Get your personal APRIL 2022-2023 Year Ahead Forecast in the Shop at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Steve Monks