5D Blog

27° Virgo Full Moon activates the Zero Point energy gateway to the Aries Vernal Equinox on Sunday March 20th


Today’s 27° Virgo Full Moon activates the Zero Point energy gateway to the Aries Vernal Equinox on Sunday March 20th - the last Full Moon of this astrological year.

This is a potent Full Moon of clearing at all levels-a karmic sweep. The Sun is in a Water stellium with Mercury/ Nessus/ Jupiter/ Neptune in Pisces, the 12th sign. Saturn in Aquarius is square the karmic Nodes of Fate across Taurus/Scorpio. The Full Moon is in an Earth Grand Trine with the Node of Fate in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn.

It’s as if the ocean is drawing back ahead of April 12th’s Jupiter/Neptune Tsunami, revealing what has been hidden below the surface along with a reminder of the new karmic mission of the approaching Taurus/Scorpio eclipses in April/May and November/December.

Some truly heroic healing breakthroughs are going to be possible (Scorpio South Node) if you can drop the personal dramas of highs and lows and master the art of Embodiment (North Node in Taurus).

Ways to Support Your Energy Field:

A lot is happening at once as the Equinox Zero Point triggers intensify: know that it is a Global effect. Don’t make it personal; rest. Accept the deep transformation we are in. We all need REST in order to hold the balance.

Collective clearing is exhausting. Watching the old burn is exhausting. Limit your exposure to scattering of thought, emotions and duality. Limit social media scrolling or disclosure-hunting; keep all of your brain and heart as coherent as possible

Finding and then following the natural rhythms and flow of your unique energy signature becomes hugely important for grounding. Your mind is way too small and undeveloped a tool for this high level of vast Light energy. The High Heart is a frequency match for it so get used to thinking, feeling, perceiving and creating from there

Work with your new Operating System. Use the ON Windows – the moments, hours, days when creation flows with ease and grace. Then notice when you’re suddenly taken “offline” and stop

Earthing and grounding in nature is especially healing. Walk or meditate outside to rejuvenate, even for a few minutes. Get in natural water when you can. Use the morning light: the frequencies at sunrise are restorative and centring.

You are now in a moment where you get to review, rethink and recreate just about anything you want. You can’t so easily relate to your past anymore. Your soul sees it all as just experience. There is less and less emotional attachment to it. It’s a blessing because it is making room for new memories. It is freeing you up.

Whether you were aware of it or not, time has been served on who you used to be, how you thought about yourself and what you believed was possible for you - in other words, your fictional Self is being dissolved in an acid bath of a whole new reality. This process is operating continuously and relentlessly, like a software program running without your conscious awareness.

New! My APRIL 2022 5D Report: ”The Jupiter/Neptune Conjunction - a Tsunami of Dissolution “. Sign up in the Shop: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Something big this way comes ……… this Jupiter/Neptune conjunction on April 12th will be supercharged since both gas giants Jupiter and Neptune share rulership of Pisces, which punches up their energies. The last time this happened was back in 1856 and before then in 1690, and before then 1524……. Dream Time or Delusional Nightmare? ……….Spiritual Glamour or Soul Garbage? ……….Waving or Drowning?

New! Get your personal APRIL 2022-2023 Year Ahead Forecast in the Shop at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Steve Monks