5D Blog

Hope is not about proving anything.


“Hope is not about proving anything. Its’s about choosing to believe this one thing: that love is bigger than any grim, bleak shit anyone can throw at us.” Annie Lamott

First, the events of 2020 and 2021 made viral a global crisis of soul sickness and now the war in Ukraine is seeding an epidemic of heart sickness.

As your old comfort zones and your old fantasies of security are washed away by the Sun/Jupiter/Neptune tsunami of dissolution building in Pisces, it would be so easy to see the world through a cynical lens of mistrust, paranoia and zero-sum thinking, so easy to slip into the acidie of hopelessness and helplessness, so easy to bury your head in the sand, so easy to engage in magic /wishful thinking, so easy to fall down the rabbit hole of evermore extreme conspiracy theories…….. which is exactly what the power-hungry want.

Pay attention to the agendas you fuel with your attention. You know how these realities work; sense where your energy is being pulled. You will be presented with things to worry/panic about, sides to choose. As soon as the last agenda fades, new concerns are presented. All is not as it seems. Use Discernment. Wisdom. Perspective.

We all need a fresh dose of faith and hope. And rather than looking to angels in heaven to provide it, let’s look for the angels inside ourselves, let’s start by embodying engaged compassion right now, right where we are, with the resources we have at our disposal, no matter how small.

Jupiter and Neptune give us an expanded view of life - the big picture - realising we are participating in a larger reality. Once you get that the personal really is political and the political really is personal, you wake up to new action-based understanding.

This is the start of the great shift from Me, Me, Me self-help to collective help.

From Ego Focus--------------------------------------------------- to Eco Focus

From Individualism ----------------------------------------------to Connectivity

From Seeker -------------------------------------------------------to Creator

From Consumer --------------------------------------------------to Contributor

New! for insights, get "Your Survive and Thrive Guide to the Chaos Nodes 2020-25 " in the Shop on the first page of my website: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

My MARCH 2022 5D Report: ”Grounding the New 2:2:2 Magnetics” is essential guidance to the emerging pathways for Creatives, Way Finders and Solopreneurs. Don’t miss out - sign up in the Shop at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Steve Monks