5D Blog

When you start to realise that transformation isn’t an adornment to your existing life, but its complete unravelling, everything changes.


Art by Fran Rodriguez

“When you start to realise that transformation isn’t an adornment to your existing life, but its complete unravelling, everything changes.” Roshi Joan Halifax

A heads up……we are right in the seismic shock window of November 8th’s Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 16 Taurus conjunct volatile unpredictable Uranus overshadowed by Saturn Lord of Time and Karma. Switch on your radar -this is the curtain raiser for the coming “attractions” of 2023. As the Evolutionary Burn intensifies at the end of 2022, everything feels different and this is a wild card eclipse acting as an Influx on steroids, deleting the past as it goes.

This is the first Election Day total lunar eclipse in American history, not set to happen again until November 8th 2394. It is also a global financial game changer. We will keep on returning to this date months, even years, later to try and pinpoint exactly what happened and why. Not until April 2023 will we start to see the sleight of hand, the black magic trick. This 8th November eclipse is huge.

Sex, death, property and money! This Taurus/Scorpio eclipse is going to be a Switch Off/De-frag/Reboot of everything you own, earn and owe, especially big-ticket money issues such as mortgages, loans and cryptocurrency. Look back to the eclipses of April 30 and May 15 when your resources and outgoings were shaken up by energy shortages, supply chain blockages and rising prices.

Eclipses obscure. They conceal, they never reveal. There is always a cover-up. It can be months or years before we find out. Both personally and collectively, we will be left in the dark during a cover-up at this Blood Moon Eclipse.

If you have planets or angles between 14-20 degrees of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius, expect a diversion or distraction to takes your eyes away from the truth.

New! Get “Making Eclipses Work for You”- containing 18 practical eclipse strategies in the Shop: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New! Get your Personal NOVEMBER 2022-2023 Year Ahead Forecast - starts the day you order it in the Shop: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Steve Monks