5D Blog

Chaos Nodes meet Pluto's Extinction Burst....


As Pluto and Saturn start their take-no-prisoners clean up in Capricorn and Aquarius before changing signs and the zeitgeist together next March 2023, we are now hitting yet more turbulence in the Chaos Nodes - the intersection of multiple rare and historic energy cycles all at once - akin to the perfect storm. This is the transformation we asked for but didn’t expect. This is the permanent, irrevocable, no holds barred Re-Set we said we wanted but have resisted all the way.

When a Chaos Node meets your time-line, multiple factors escalate, accelerate and interact with each other in ways that can’t be predicted and your choices reach a tipping point. It means that all our old 3D patterns/escape routes of moving swiftly on to the Next/New shiny thing without learning the lessons or taking any responsibility have now completely run out of road. As has narcissism, the cult of constant “self-improvement” and superficiality. Think about it - try as you might to work your old magic tricks, they don’t cut it any longer.

As this seismic shock window of the October 25th and November 9th wild card eclipses meets a massive Pluto Extinction Burst of resistance from the 1%:

stabilise to become more resilient by recalibrating aspects of your life that are no longer fit for purpose

close the door behind you on what is not working, has never worked or isn’t worth the struggle

pay attention to those creaking floorboards, weak links and shifting tectonic plates wherever they are in your life - it’s time to let them fall apart, break and shatter

zero judgment on what is dismantling and dropping away, both externally and internally

resist the distractions: more time in the Creator State, less time in the toxic soup of online fantasies about what is and is not true

know that you are not failing, you are not dying - you are re-orienting

New! Jarring events will escalate in November following the Total Blood Moon Eclipse -be prepared-sign up to my NOVEMBER 5D Report: “Pluto’s Extinction Burst”. For immediate access to 12 Reports per year for only $4.08 /£3.70/ 6.31 AUD per month or one payment of $46.12/£40/68.24 AUD, sign up in the Shop at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New! Get your NOVEMBER 2022-2023 Personal Year ahead Forecast in the Shop :www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Steve Monks