The Writing is on the Wall…….
Art by Benru
The Writing is on the Wall…….
It may not yet be visible to those who don’t have eyes to see but, for those of us who are sensitives, there are subtle signs everywhere that the tide is imperceptibly turning, that the zeitgeist - the spirit of our time - is shapeshifting. Pluto is starting to remove the reins of top down Saturnian Capricorn power from the 1%’s control to hand over to the tribal, community-based Aquarian 99%.
We have become so inured/accustomed/blind to the “One man to rule them all” syndrome that, as its archetypes such as Putin, Trump, Bezos, Zuckerberg et al fall from grace over the next few weeks, months and years, we will be astonished at the sense of freedom.
Meanwhile, in this liminal post eclipse /pre-2023 In-Between time, let these words from Toko Pa Turner soothe your soul:
“Where you long for the friend who calls only to find out if you’re well, be that caller for another. Where you long for eloquent prayers to be made of everyday things, let your own clumsy words bless your meals out loud. Where you wish for ritual under the moons, be the one who holds the heartbeat of gathering. Where you ache to be recognised, allow yourself to be seen. Where you long to be known, sit next to someone and listen for the apertures into what they love. Where you wish you felt necessary, give those gifts away.”
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