We were made for these times …….
art by Cathy McClelland
“We were made for these times ……. for years, we have been learning, practicing, been in training for and just waiting to meet on this exact plain of engagement.” Clarissa Pinkola Estes
A heads up!
In the world behind the world of this incredible May 22-July 22 triple eclipse wormhole, an awakening unlike anything we’ve experienced so far is happening. The shamanic Plutonic drums are beating relentlessly, summoning you to a collective ritual of severing old 3D time-lines and all the outworn beliefs that go with them.
Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn - symbol of the status quo - are at odds with Disruptor Eris in Aries - sign of revolution - all year and are now exactly aligning. Jupiter amplifies, expands and pushes boundaries as far as they will go…so watch as the wave of protest builds and builds.
And, upping the ante even further, Black Moon Lilith - the Great Unveiler - conjuncts subversive agent Eris today. As Lilith ping pongs between Eris and Uranus - the Great Awakener - for the next 6 months , distortions, untruths, corruption, inequality, injustice and incongruency will be seen for exactly what they are.
It’s a Great Reveal which had to happen to allow the Great Re-Set of 2020-30 to start to unfold…..
No matter how this plays out, you have to be nuclear conscious that your own life is firmly rooted in integrity or a lesson may come in the form of it being razed to the ground. Prepare for this now, because if there is a goal you are committing significant amounts of time and energy into for the foreseeable future, this astrology may prove a crucial make-or-break point. Your basic energetic framework has to be rock solid, because if it isn’t, you may well discover a fatal structural flaw at this time; a rot that goes down to the very bones of the thing.
Your integrity is your only currency now - there is no substitute for making sure you’re building upon the right energetic underpinnings in word and deed. Ethically unreliable conduct will come back to bite you, particularly if/when it stems from repressing shadow aspects of your Self. Getting real about where you have internal work to do – especially as it relates to ambition and your drive for success – and checking yourself before moving forward with the plan can turn those liabilities into core competencies. Think of it as an anchor that will help you to avoid the potentially karmic side effects of this energy.
In this next Wave sweeping the Event Horizon - the 2020-2030 Great Transformation - we are entering a time when transparency, authenticity and openness are going to be critical. This is not wishful New Age thinking but the only safe way to thrive.
If you want to live peacefully, abundantly and congruently in the years to come, you must walk your talk. Why? Because your walk will be visible. If there is any degree of hypocrisy in your life, you are in danger of exposure. But think of it as having a wound cleaned or a bone reset when people expect you to operate in a way that is consistent with the values you express. So, wherever there is a dissonance between your value system and your actions, close the gap.
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Buy it in the Shop at :www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
“This is just amazing, dearest Lorna! Yes! yes! yes! to everything you say here. It is so immensely helpful and supportive. Bless you and thank you so much!” Liz G, Rome, Italy.