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2020-30: The Next Big Leap for Way Finders, Sensitives, Mavericks and Creatives

2020-30: The Next Big Leap for Way Finders, Sensitives, Mavericks and Creatives


What If Life Has Far Bigger Ideas for You than You Do?

It’s time to uplevel your service, your contribution, your work, your business to match the new frequencies that are making the old rules irrelevant. So many of the old modalities, processes and procedures that you have relied on, which always got results in the past, are now starting to shift and change and are no longer working.

You are not a New Ager, not a light chaser or an escapist non-dualist but a forerunner and outlier of conscious. You are becoming a Frequency Holder on higher planetary service. This is nothing less than the shift to the next stage of personal evolution - a new paradigm of Service through Self, not driven by the craving for external validation or for ego stroking or by what you think the market wants but by you because you simply have to express what’s within you. You can only create by using the technology of the future, not of the past……….


Coming in from the Cold - Identifying Yourself as a Way Finder

Do you Fit the Way Finder/Mender/Sensitive/Outlier/Maverick Profile?

Are you a Galactic Centre Transmitter?

1999-2020: Stages of Your Way Finder Journey So Far

2020-2030: Your Way Finder Curve of Evolution

2020-2030: The New Model of Way Finder Working

Wired for 21st-century Success.


This is just amazing, dearest Lorna! Yes yes yes! to everything you say here. It is so immensely helpful and supportive. Bless you and thank you so much!” Liz G, Rome, Italy

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