This is what it feels like to be brilliantly achingly alive.
“This is what it feels like to be brilliantly achingly alive. Alive in the shatter. Alive in the empty. This is what it is to belong to things we cannot possibly understand. This is what it is to trust in the terrifying wisdom of our own becoming.” Jeanette LeBlanc
A heads up! We’re only 4 days out from the karmic Solar Eclipse at 0° Cancer on the June 21st Solstice - one that as we look back farther down the time-line will show a distinct Before/After marker in time…..
Watch for sudden shifts both inside and out as sideways eclipse escalators jolt you into a much freer, spacious sense of possibility…..Mercury is turning retrograde right on Sirius our spiritual Sun downloading insights and Aha! moments from your Future self aka She who Knows….
For those of us who are way showers, sensitives and forerunners, welcome to super fast-tracked Phase 2. We might think we’ve been there, done that, got the t-shirt, but this 2020 Phase 2 level Embodiment Process is going to demand even greater individual responsibility and more individual embodiment than in Phase 1.
Remember: Each new level of initiation and light comes personalised. There is no one Way, no one template, no one map to follow. This is a pathless land. Each of us - on our own terms - is going to be dealing with eclipse fallout plus the Pluto and Saturn retrograde for the next five months and making multiple personal, individual course corrections to embody these new and different levels.
The Work is even more critical now as the dense global energy field reflects a massive spectrum of people with extremely different levels of individual consciousness, development, abilities, awareness and personal focus. Yes, many of us have been there, done that and more but the difference between Phase 1 and Phase 2 is that all our past identifications - no matter how necessary they’ve been in the past - have to go.
During Phase 1 of the Evolutionary Burn, the external was the mirror to reflect what was changing but in Phase 2 the internal in each of us is the most important and powerful location.
As outliers we have been intuitively “social distancing” long before this to keep our energy fields sovereign
We now have to become clear containers, energetically free from collective viral thinking
Old ways of being, thinking and working are suddenly unavailable, dead in the water
Old service modalities are now defunct - we’ve crossed the Bridge from relying on old 3D spiritual tools to 5D Presencing
This is the start of the long-awaited Re-Set from Seeker to Creator - dropping all fixed positions to grow, learn, experiment and collaborate in emergent thinking
As you begin moving in the direction of your own values, dreams and instincts, the emergence of fresh new thinking and unexpected synchronicities is 100% reliable and 98% unpredictable.
New! In July we hit the churning white water of the 3rd Eclipse on Saturn/Pluto - sign up to my July 2020 5D Report: “High Heart Online”:
Find your essential guide: ”The Next Big Leap for Way Finders, Sensitives, Mavericks and Creatives” in the Shop at
“Just brilliant, brilliant, keep shining that searing truth at us. Your 5D Reports have been so reassuring, allowing me to accept the extraordinary changes and experiences within and without me for some time now. Thank you for ever” Sally R, UK.