5D Blog

We were made for these times …


We were made for these times ……. for years, we have been learning, practising, been in training for and just waiting to meet on this exact plain of engagement.” Clarissa Pinkola Estes

A heads up, from now on in, it’s going to be crucial to understand the reality gap between 3D outer events and the cries to return to “normal” and the Truth of our trajectory which is hidden in plain sight in 2020’s huge cycles of transformation: this is the permanent, irrevocable, no holds barred Re-Set we said we wanted but resisted all the way.

As of now we are locked into a time machine, heading for one of those hinges in history that means life can never be the same again - the June 21st Solar Eclipse across the Galactic Centre. To give you a sense of what I mean by “hinge in history”, the last eclipse at the exact same point in 2001 delivered 9/11. This is another twist in the same karmic spiral with a different landscape and cast of characters.And this time, it is not happening to us but we're happening to it.

Upcoming Key Dates

May 6: the karmic Node of Fate moves into Gemini handing down a new mission for the next 18 months
May 7: the Scorpio Full Moon brings Wesak - the annual High Festival of Resurrection - the Buddha’s birthday and yearly return as Avatar streaming the light of Revival, Resurgence and Renewal on to the planet
May 11/13/14: Saturn, Venus and Jupiter slow to turn retrograde in sequence followed in June by Mercury and Neptune
June 5: Lunar eclipse across Sagittarius/Gemini
June 22: Solstice Solar eclipse at 0 Cancer and karmic South Node of Fate on the Galactic Centre
July 4: Lunar Eclipse across Capricorn/Cancer

Outer life may retain and regain some semblance of BC (Before Corona) but with such a weird cocktail of change agent planets retrograde until October and wild card evolution - accelerating eclipses, life will feel like we’re learning how to dance backwards in high heels, to quote Ginger Rogers. Brace yourself for a surreal ride - the physical, mental and emotional levels are grasping for an old reality which has been deleted.

Take heart and know that we are en route for one of the brightest cosmic beacons we’ve seen for a long time - the Jupiter /Saturn Conjunction in progressive futurist Aquarius on the December Solstice.

Wise Hope + Fierce Grace are our Sacred Medicine.

New! My May 2020 5D Report: “Overshadowed + Overwritten” is your essential Guide to 2020’s Emerging Pathways. Not yet subscribed? sign up at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New! “ 2020-30: The Next Big Leap for Way Finders, Sensitives, Mavericks and Creatives” - it’s time to uplevel your service, your contribution, your work, your business to match the new frequencies that are making the old rules irrelevant.
Buy it in the Shop at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

"Making Eclipses Work For You" - your essential Guide to 2020's Eclipses : www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Steve Monks