5D Blog

We are entering new evolutionary territory today


We are entering new evolutionary territory today through the Gateway of the Wesak Full Moon in Scorpio - the annual High Festival of Resurrection - streaming the light of Pluto’s Revival, Resurgence and Renewal on to the planet. Sedna the Resurrection Goddess is conjunct our binary 3rd Eye Algol in Taurus aligning with the Source at the Galactic Centre, downloading many of our Origin Stream Codes from the Pleaides via the pineal gland, the ancestral master cell of untapped DNA.

Yesterday the karmic Nodes of Fate changed signs initiating 18 months of Gemini/Sagittarius eclipses starting on June 5th - only 4 weeks away. Those of who you are sensitive to seismic shifts will now begin to experience sideways escalators taking you at warp speed into yet more dissonance. June’s 2 eclipses will act as influxes on steroids, deleting the past as they go.

But, in order to get to the promised renewal and regeneration, Pluto’s relentless shamanic drumbeat can’t be ignored. This is a summons for each of us to collaborate with the deep wave of clearing, cleansing, purging and truth telling that began for real on January 12th and is going to intensify as the Great Eliminator retrogrades to re-activate the 22 Capricorn Saturn/Pluto Conjunction Point twice more this summer and autumn.

Think major collective de-toxing where disclosure after disclosure, exposure and revelation will shine a light on the under-the-radar political and economic dealings that are attempting to profit from this pandemic and take yet more control over our daily lives.

This a once in 507 year opportunity to hear the wake up call, to reclaim personal power and clear the world shadow mirrored in physicality by the Pandemic. The Great Eliminator ruthlessly destroys to transform. Not a comfortable experience, so expect more spikes of rage, frustration, resistance as it becomes clear that we won’t be returning to the pre-Corona world.

For those who are awake, from next week as Saturn, Jupiter and Venus turn retrograde with the Celestial Destroyer and press the pause button, the perfect cosmic timing is a collective reminder that regenerative healing and new progressive ways of thinking are not only possible but necessary and unstoppable.

Feeling lost in the dark is a sign that light is on its way. So make your mantra: ”I am not failing, I am not dying, I am reorienting

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Steve Monks