5D Blog

The Crucible of Life.....


This week on September 23rd, we reach the midpoint of the astrological year, as the Sun crosses the World Axis at the Libra Equinox - known as Alben Elfed by the Druids. The seasons shift - from Summer to Autumn in the North and from Winter to Spring in the South. Night and day are once again of equal length and in perfect equilibrium - dark/light, Yin/Yang, inner/outer in balance. But we are on the cusp of transition and from now in the Northern hemisphere the year begins to wane and from this moment darkness begins to defeat the light.

This year, the Sun at 0° Libra aspects the Galactic Centre, Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces….. on the physical plane, huge elemental forces are in play. As the time-lines shift, the field is very active- so choose your bandwidth and trajectory carefully. Everything matters, everything counts.

The more you individuate, the more your inner life is in exact harmony with your outer life. You drop the need for being special, for drama, for bells and whistles. Then the heart of your spiritual practice becomes internal, invisible and unnoticed by everyone else.

In the spiral of each Sacred Year, the Equinoxes form two of the eight points of light along with two Solstices and four Gateways. At these times, by evoking the spiritual with a meaningful physical ritual or offering, you are recognising and making visible your process that is just as much a part of your reality as the material world:

Herbs: yarrow, rosemary, sage, mugwort, rosehips,

Stones: amber, citrine, cat’s eye, aventurine, sapphire, jasper

Flowers: sunflowers, thistle, marigolds,asters

Candles: purple, orange, green

As you create your offering:

• go within and empty out space, composting your old ideas to make fertile soil for new creativity and vision

• take inventory of what’s working /not working, of lessons learned

• honour the harvest whether a harvest of the things planted in your garden or the harvest of intentions that you set at the March Equinox

• tie up loose ends, complete projects, plant bulbs

• prepare for a conscious Wintering

Image Equinox Altar by Mystics Emporium

No sign forecasts today-I’m needing to rest.

New! Get your OCTOBER 2023-2024 Personal Year Ahead Forecast Sky Log in the shop: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New! October is going to be one of the most intense months of 2023. An energetic crossroads where karma, fate and free will combine to create significant endings, beginnings, turning points and breakthroughs. As Pluto turns direct followed by two wild card eclipses, expect the ground to rumble and shake beneath your feet.

For visionary astrology combined with master coaching journaling prompts, subscribe to my OCTOBER 5D Report:” At the Crossroads of Karma, Fate and Free Will” in the shop: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

“Lorna has the unique ability to craft words that really do predict and describe the energies and then puts her wise woman magician spin on it....” Haumea H Los Angeles Ca.

Steve Monks