5D Blog

We have seasons when we flourish


“We have seasons when we flourish and seasons when the leaves fall from us, revealing our bare bones. Given time, they grow again. If happiness is a skill, then sadness is, too.” Catherine May

For those of us who are Sensitives, how to decipher this peculiarly wild, intense yet oddly static energy influx as we approach the Equinox on the 23rd? The Sun, Neptune, Pluto, Uranus, Eris and the Nodes are all aligned with the Galactic Centre aka our Homing Signal from the heart of the Milky Way…tune into Radio Cosmos.

Yet, despite the huge elemental forces in play on the physical plane, it feels etherically as if we’re being held in stasis, with no space for the usual distractions and ,for some, that can feel very uncomfortable.

Ideas, wisdom and knowing do not come from striving, analysis or willpower. They come from waiting, watching, listening, being curious, making space. The quieter, more available you are, the more obvious the solution or the next step. Let creative unfolding replace goals, plans or linear thinking-whole engagement. Become indifferently engaged. Passively dynamic.

There is nothing you can do to speed up the arrival of the insights or ideas and the harder you try the more counterproductive. Be willing to have your personal thinking about yourself and life disrupted, disturbed, and disrobed, revealing the creative source, potential, and power underneath it.

Can you, just for a moment, stop thinking about your life and, instead, find the courage to actually inhabit it?

Art by Elena Ray

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Steve Monks