5D Blog

The Four Questions….


“In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions: "When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop being comforted by the sweet territory of silence?” Angeles Arrien.


As we approach the shamanic Virgo New Moon, these are transformative healing questions to take to your interior angel, your daimon, your inner ally.

Esoterically refracting the Rays of Love and Wisdom through the healing Violet Flame of St Germain, exoterically Virgo is ruled by Mercury -at this New Moon there are important messages/downloads from both the old Copernican and the new 5D planetary Gods. The sacred geometry of Sun and Moon at 22 Virgo in alignment with Pluto, Neptune, Chiron, Eris and the karmic Nodes of Fate reveals a moment of Chairos -a split in the veil of time.

Create your own alchemy by engaging in Virgoan clearing, cleansing, de-cluttering and simplifying back to essentials, not just for the sake of it, but as a container for wellbeing- sourcing your “doing” from the deep ground of your being, so that you do what is yours to do in a way that energises you and inspires others.

Find Your Flow Magic - the sweet spot between surrender to life as it unfolds and full -on engagement/participation and take as many steps as possible in moving forward with your creative expression, new service work, anything that you have been procrastinating over.

Notice what inspires your imagination or presses the accelerator on the engine of your creative expression.

Your wellspring of creativity - your life force/libido - can only flow when you clear the river of your interconnecting energy fields. With the simple understanding that whatever is bad for you is probably also bad for your work, you can clear away whatever obstacles are preventing you from living your most creative life.

That’s when you’ll start to see your service work, relationships, personal choices, lifestyle, even the way you express your spirituality, all shifting to accommodate your Higher Self taking over the journey – if you allow it to unfold.

New! “40 Essential Power Questions for Evolutionaries, Path Pavers and Creatives” in the shop: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Art by Ellen Vaman

Steve Monks