5D Blog

The Truth is Out There…..


Art Time Crow by Harold Roth

The Truth is Out There…..

“Life is brutal but it’s also beautiful - brutiful, I call it. Life’s brutal and beautiful are woven so tightly together they can’t be separated. Reject the brutal, reject the beauty. Embrace both and live hard and well and real.” Glennon Doyle.

As old time-lines close permanently behind you and new bandwidths of experience present, be aware that your choices and actions taken now will have long term consequences. Pluto-the Great Eliminator -is stationing at his most impactful to turn direct tomorrow at 26 Capricorn in a clash with Sunday’s potent Aries Full Moon conjunct Chiron.

Expect a heightened, transformational passage, delivering to you a personalised handcrafted experience of “brutiful” - a weird cocktail of brutal yet beautiful energy.

As above, so below. The endings are relentless and unstoppable everywhere now in the 3D world….and mirrored in your own world. You don’t need to think about it, your emerging Self simply Knows and witnesses what is leaving. It’s time. Actually, it’s past time to leave whatever now belongs in your museum of history and walk away without a backwards glance.

Old times lines are being re-bundled, aligning you for something completely new. Notice vivid dreams with multiple scenarios, notice your extra-sensitivity to the Schumann spikes and energy frequencies.

In all your dealings, only radical honesty and transparency will cut it as Pluto cleans up the last 4 degrees of Capricorn between now and March when he enters Aquarius until 20243 for the first time since 1778-1798.

This supercharged Capricorn energy will accept nothing less than simplicity, cutting back to essentials, practical material progress and commitment to integrity.

It’s time to dig deep to find the Will and desire to make radical permanent changes instead of tinkering at the edges. An old life is going dark. These are new magnetics and new encodements. Before anything else, your physicality needs grounding as it the vector for your enlightenment - literally "taking in more light".

Find the causes that feed your soul - personally, socially, spiritually, collectively.

Commit 100% and eliminate distractions

New! An essential resource “Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2043 Part 1” in the Shop at www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New! Your Personal Sky Log Year Ahead Forecast October 2022-2023 in the Shop: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Be prepared……October is going to be a huge…a wild card eclipse month intensified by both Saturn and Pluto turning forward starting the Big Ride to the historic entry of Pluto into Aquarius and Saturn into Pisces in March 2023- all covered in my OCTOBER 5D Report:" Disclosure, Dismantling and Disentangling".

For immediate access to 12 Reports per year for only $4.08 /£3.70/ 6.31 AUD per month or one payment of $46.12/£40/68.24 AUD, sign up in the Shop at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Lorna, you have struck every nerve with your insight and guidance. I’m not sure I could have managed the last few years of this cosmic circus without your steady hand at the helm. Every 5D report brings new insight and allows me the space in which to do my own internal transformation. Deep bows of gratitude. “ Nancy N P Florida US

Steve Monks