5D Blog

A Great Turning Point…..


Art After Klimt by Anne-Marie Silbermann

A Great Turning Point…..

Astrology is a weather forecast, not a prediction of outcomes. We have free will to adapt and respond to the planetary weather. And to those who keep asking: ”When will all this change stop?”, it’s the new normal.

Last week, the entire globe experienced a huge reality check. The shocking events were catalysed by the Pluto/Mars/Venus conjunction in Capricorn aligned with Disruptor Eris and the karmic Node of Fate, magnified by Jupiter/Nessus/Neptune at the Pisces New Moon permanently dissolving old illusions of security.

Today March 6th, Mars and Venus move away from Pluto and enter air sign Aquarius. Mercury aligns with the Node of Fate and the Galactic Centre before entering Pisces on the 9th, so international communication back channels will be hyperactive. The US has already set up a direct line to Russia to try to avoid unintended nuclear outcomes.

As the Sun conjuncts Neptune on March 13th, the denial and fake news will increase as the flood of Ukranian refugees becomes unstoppable along with an unprecedented international wave of compassion and practical support.

On Friday I posted a brief summary of the big picture astrology on my Facebook page. For those who missed it, here it is again:

• Great Eliminator Pluto in Capricorn is trine the karmic Node of Fate in Taurus until August.

• From March to mid-May, the gas giants Jupiter /Neptune once in 166 years conjunction in Pisces dissolves old boundaries and blows everything out of the water, including good judgment and rationality.

• Even more significantly, Lord of Time and Karma Saturn in Aquarius is squaring the Nodes of Fate in Taurus -exact on April 17th - ahead of the Taurus solar eclipse conjunct volatile Uranus on April 30th.

• After the eclipse at the end of April, the energy shifts as Jupiter enters Aries -hold on to your hats-followed by the Scorpio lunar eclipse in May. Then things really start to get interesting as the Uranus conjunction to the Node of Fate closes in.

• Disruptor Eris is at the midpoint of Neptune in Pisces and the Node of Fate in Taurus.

• The Saturn Uranus square - the struggle between democracy and authoritarianism - forms a T-Square with the Nodes and will be triggered all year by any planet moving through the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. But things will really kick off once Uranus and the Node are within orb of being conjunct from late April. The exact conjunction happens on 31 July and Mars joins them the next day.

This marks the turning point of the year – we won’t be able to avoid change from this point forwards.

Uranus transiting Taurus - the economy, food, harvests, trade and supply chains - is bringing shock and disruption to multiple areas of our lives. Globalism continues to collapse – both the ideology and the practical logistics of it – and the financial bubble it relies on may finally be about to burst.

The epicentre of that implosion will be the EU as its chart is in the firing line of the new Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle, especially its Scorpio 4th house - packed with Sun/Mercury/Mars and Pluto.

At the same time, the US is currently beginning its first karmic Pluto Return at 27° Capricorn since the founding Fathers.

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Steve Monks