When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won.
Equinox art by Kathy McClelland
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.” Mahatma Gandhi
Edge Walking………
On Sunday 20th, the Sun enters fiery Aries and activates the sensitive World Axis-always a reminder that the personal is the political and vice versa. The Vernal Equinox is the start of the new astrological year as the light returns to the Northern hemisphere and begins to wane in the south. It’s a true liminal-threshold-moment of time out of time with the fading of the old year and the first ripples of the new.
On the world stage, it’s set to be another very high stakes week. This year’s turning is particularly intense as Mars and Venus in Aquarius approach Lord of Time and Karma Saturn triggering volatile and unpredictable Uranus in Taurus as Mercury conjuncts both Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces before entering Aries on Sunday March 27th.The karmic Nodes of Fate are activated by Pluto, Saturn and Neptune.
In your own life, if ever there was a time for conscious Cord Cutting, this is it. Outdated patterns and comfort zones cannot find a resonance field now the old timelines are gone. The acute dissonance between What Was and What Is lies behind your feeling of loss and lostness.
Let go of old ideas about who you are as you experience the withdrawal of many of your previous creations - roles, methods, labels, careers and alliances. Your inner map of the world is going to need constant updating.
Walk your talk and start by walking:
away from repetitive victim stories …… towards visionary activism
away from working on yourself………towards working for the whole
away from estranging yourself from others through spiritual inflation …….towards embracing the ordinariness, the everydayness of life
away from Waking Up by navel gazing…………. towards Waking Down into concrete action
away from being at effect……………towards being at cause
away from “I’m not ready”……………..towards being the change you want to see in the world
The Chandra Symbol Aries Equinox ARIES 1: A man repairing and extending a stone wall in the spring.
“You become ready and quite able to do what is asked or needed and to put nothing in the way of each next thing happening, right on schedule, trying to get things straight for a new start. It is the initial phase, the radically new cycle taken up with a passion, with a huge appetite for things to do, problems to solve, worlds to streamline. Tremendous for activating will.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale.
No sign forecasts today
New! Something big this way comes - the epochal conjunction of Jupiter with Neptune in Pisces in April is the most evolutionary/revolutionary alignment of 2022. If there was ever a conjunction that signifies a planetary wake up call to the existence of life beyond 21st century materialism and consumerism, then this is it. The last time this happened was back in 1856 and before then in 1690, and before then 1524……. Dream Time or Delusional Nightmare? ……….Spiritual Glamour or Soul Garbage? ……….Waving or Drowning?
Get my APRIL 2022 5D Report: your essential guide to: ”The Jupiter/Neptune Conjunction-a Tsunami of Dissolution “. Sign up in the Shop: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
New! Get your personal APRIL 2022-2023 Year Ahead Forecast in the Shop at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk