Winter is Coming!
Venus Rose Star by Charlotte Szivack
Winter is Coming!
“It is always important to know when something has reached its end. Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters, it doesn’t matter what we call it; what matters is to leave in the past those moments in life that are over." Paulo Coelho
This week’s astrology delivers one reality check after the other. On the 19th, the Gemini Full Moon aligns with the Galactic Centre and Chiron turns direct, just as Venus turns retrograde in Capricorn until January 29th.
On December 21st the Solstice Sun crosses the World Axis into Capricorn. On the 23rd, the Mean Node of Fate enters Taurus until 2023, shifting eclipses in your chart across Taurus/Scorpio for the next 18 months.
On the 24th, the 3rd exact Saturn /Uranus Aquarius/Taurus square of 2021 intensifies the collective clash between freedom and restriction - the stakes are high as Venus conjuncts Pluto on December 25th.
People everywhere will be extra sensitive, exhausted and looking for someone to blame or scapegoat - whipped into victim mode by the media.
In your own life, frame these reality checks as choice points - a simple shift of perception that immediately increases your resourcefulness.
Instead of staying frozen in emotional and psychic overwhelm, choose to invest your skills, your time, your energy, your money and your love only in people and activities that serve your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social wellbeing. And that means deliberately dropping or deleting responsibilities that were never yours in the first place, along with soul destroying alliances, habits, distractions and denial.
Seen from this perspective, the 40 days and nights of Venus retrograde in Capricorn is a once in
8 years opportunity to clear space for what really matters to you.
“Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Mary Oliver
No sign forecasts today or December 26th because of the holidays.
I will be posting updates here on Facebook and on Instagram
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