5D Blog

What most people don’t realise is that as a salt, DNA is a natural conductor of electricity.


“What most people don’t realise is that as a salt, DNA is a natural conductor of electricity. It is extremely sensitive to electromagnetic waves. Even a slight shift in your mood will create enough of an environmental signal to trigger a response from your DNA. Likewise, a negative or a positive thought will generate a subtle electromagnetic current throughout your body that will stir your DNA into some form of biological response. Most of us are completely unaware of how our moods, thoughts, beliefs and general attitude literally mould our bodies.” Richard Rudd.

As Venus/Uranus/the Node of Fate create alchemy in Taurus square Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, see your old thinking about the way things “should be, or used to be, or could be” for the negative self-hypnosis it is.

Almost overnight, it no longer makes sense to…….

• debate with people about right or wrong

• keep your stories alive by retelling them over and over

• hang on to past offenses

• commiserate with others about injustices or wrongdoings

• spend time in judgement

• wish things were different

• try to get someone to see your point of view

• change others

And it makes complete sense to………..

• listen deeper

• get curious

• block social media accounts

• walk away from other people’s soap operas and drama

• keep your mouth shut

• trust your knowing instead of your logic

This frees you up to………..

• understand the infinite grey areas of “right” or “wrong”

• let go of past offenses because they hurt less

• see other people’s point of view

• accept your current state of affairs

• accept others with greater ease

• see new possibilities and opportunities

• love people in a new way

• feel a little lighter

• feel at peace, more of the time

• feel awake to life – right now

• see the traction in your work, your relationships and your life.

Resources for the Journey- get them all in the Shop at :www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk:

“10 NLP and New Paradigm Strategies-the practical Code to changing your life”

“Tracking Your Personal Time-Line from 3D to 5D”

“Turning Life Shocks into Leverage”

Your Personal JUNE 2022-2023 Year Ahead Forecast

Steve Monks