5D Blog

Drop your maps and listen to your lostness like a sacred calling into presence


Shamanic Art by Laurie Prindle

“Drop your maps and listen to your lostness like a sacred calling into presence. Here, where the old ways are crumbling and you may be tempted to burn down your own house. Ask instead for an introduction to that which endures. This place without a foothold is the province of grace. It is the questing field, most responsive to magic and fluent in myth. Here, where there is nothing left to lose, sing out of necessity that your ragged heart be heard. Send out your holy signal and listen for the echo back.” Toko-Pa Turner.

Tuesday’s Shamanic Super Moon is a timely celestial reminder that life is a quest. As the Moon at 23 Sagittarius spins in a vortex between the karmic deep space points of the Great Attractor and the Galactic Centre and the Sun/Mercury in Gemini align with far seeing Neptune in Pisces, recognise that Source is an open morphic field and that it is alive.

Send your consciousness out ahead like a scout, remote viewing all the roads that are available and viable. This is not a mind/thought process….. you can’t understand what is still in immanence in the quantum realm-you have to sense and intuit the flickers of the emerging new on the horizon. Identify which Random Attractor has the most pull, the most resonance, the most click. Trust it then move forward……..

Never has learning to future proof your personal physical and emotional security been so crucial ahead of what’s to come....and the path of direct revelation unfolds by way of the human body……

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Steve Monks