We are in this together.
“We are in this together. None of us truly walks in isolation, even when we cannot sense the presence of another for miles upon miles. Even in the worst of our desolation. Even during our coldest 3 am breakdown. Even when we shut out the world and spin in circles until we collapse. Even then the light still gets in. Even then the heart still opens and reaches, tendrils of hope curling and bending toward slivers of light. Upward, outward, in all directions – seeking light at all cost. One way or another, we all grow toward the light.” Jeanette LeBlanc.
A heads up: starting today, an incoming new frequency is going to amp up volatility, overreaction, aggression, fear and headless chicken syndrome in the 3D world. Knowing this in advance, resist the temptation to take premature radical bridge burning decisions that will compromise your ability to recover your work and your purpose when the virus has subsided - as it will and as it already has in several countries.
Resist the urge to cut yourself from the resources and support you need to navigate this unprecedented period. Panic instantly eliminates your perspective, cutting you off from your inner resources and the part of you that has your back 24/7, no matter what is happening around you.
Today is a day of multiple 5D energy bridges, gateways and choice points as the super Moon eclipses Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn followed by a wave of enormous planetary momentum which is going to lift us off our feet - the Equinox Gateway opens as Mars conjuncts Jupiter, then Pluto and Saturn just as the Lord of Karma enters Aquarius for the first time since 1991.
Watch for sudden sideways elevators tilting your daily reality so that you suddenly slip and slide into radically new physical, emotional and soulful territory and especially watch for the opportunities to free yourself amidst the chaos. As soon as you stop trying to control the uncontrollable, notice the next steps and new operating strategies just appearing in front of you. Trust your big Yes and Big No - this is your life jacket.
Important Dates:
March 19 Aries Equinox
March 20 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn square Eris
March 23 Saturn enters Aquarius
Mars conjunct Pluto square Eris
March 24 New Moon 4 Aries conjunct Chiron
March 30 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius
Everything accelerates again in early April - including progress on a vaccine - when the impact of the first of 2020’s 3(!) Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions will magnify the ongoing clearing from January’s destructive and disruptive Saturn/Pluto/Eris Men in Black conjunction whilst giving us likely dates for the peaks and troughs of the Covid 19 virus in April, May and November.
New! For your essential Guide to these huge physicalised Time-Line drop offs - sign up to my April 2020 5D Report: ”To the Edge and Beyond”: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
To put the current crisis in perspective by seeing the entire astrology time-line for 2020 - which ends with one of the brightest astrological beacons we've had in a very long time - get my Survive and Thrive Guide to 2020 at :www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk