5D Blog

Change: a deep and sometimes painful realisation that the previous You didn’t make it but the current You survived


”Change: a deep and sometimes painful realisation that the previous You didn’t make it but the current You survived” Andrea Balt.

A heads up! This is what the Evolutionary Burn feels like - there's going to be no time lag between stair steps in 2020. In what is a very concentrated space of time, as we’re still reeling from the brutal fallout from the Men in Black Saturn/Pluto meeting in January, two new frequency shifts arrive one after the other taking us into a radically different space/time landscape:

On Monday 23 March Lord of Time and Karma returns to Aquarius for the first time since 1991 against a landscape of wild fires all over the world, a global pandemic and system collapse

On April 5th, Jupiter meets Pluto in Capricorn in the first of 3 conjunctions that will last the entire year. And all 3 conjunctions square global Disruptor Eris! The last time Jupiter and Pluto were together in Capricorn in 2008, it catalysed the financial crisis.

If you are a subscriber, now’s the time to re-read my current 5D Report: “The Bridge Across Tomorrow”. Saturn returns to Aquarius, electrified by volatile, lightning bolt Uranus. Like a reverberating Singing Bowl, it’s sounding the first crystal clear note of the incoming 2020 - 2043 Aquarian frequency. Saturn is going to work with futurist Aquarius to destabilise the old order until March 2023 when Pluto crosses the Bridge to Tomorrow from Capricorn to Aquarius and life will never be the same again. Saturn returns briefly to re-work the master degrees of Capricorn between July and December.

This will be a welcome foretaste of what is to come, when on the December 21st Solstice 2020, Jupiter conjuncts Saturn at 0° Aquarius for the first time in centuries - one of the brightest astrological beacons we've had in a long time. Known from ancient times as the Great Chronocation, the 20-year cycle of Jupiter and Saturn is one of the most important markers representing the direction our lives are taking, personally and socially; it sets the tone for the New Order. It is the midnight chime of the Great Bell of Time and Karma.

Coda: This is not a single big leap into the Age of Aquarius leaving all the Plutonic Capricorn transformation in the dust – the cycles of Saturn in Aquarius + Pluto/Eris/Jupiter/Uranus will interweave all year, seeding an entirely new energy climate, ecology and frequency.

In your birth chart, the degrees between 24 Capricorn and 3 Aquarius are being woken up from a long sleep. Check your chart for planets at these degrees give or take a few degrees either side of exact, and also for planets or angles in hard aspect (90/ 180 degrees) to these points. Anything around 23 degrees in the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn – especially Capricorn) or 1 degree in the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius – particularly Aquarius) is your leverage for radical change.

New ! My April 5D Report deciphering the Jupiter/Pluto Conjunctions: “To the Edge and Beyond” will be emailed direct to subscribers on Wednesday March 25th. Don’t miss out, it’s full of strategies on how to stay Sane and Awake now we are all living a little closer to the edge of existence in suspended, liminal time, on the verge of something big.
Sign up at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New ! Fire Starter Resource “Turning Life Shocks into Leverage” now in the Shop on my website: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Steve Monks