5D Blog

Venus slows to turn direct after 40 days and nights in the wilderness


Pause and draw breath today, as Venus slows to turn direct after 40 days and nights in the wilderness. As the Morning Star Lucifera the light bearer, she will retrace her steps from 11 -26 Capricorn, culminating with her 3rd embrace with Pluto, the Great Transformer on March 3rd.

You are the creator, the writer of the stories of your life, but for the most part you are writing with invisible ink…. Venus’ gift is that you start to see the story you have been writing about your preferences, passions, values and heart’s desires and realise that a fresh new blank page is always available to you, without the need for intervention, effort and struggle.

A beautiful Venusian reminder from House of Belonging by David Whyte.

“Above the mountains

the geese turn into

the light again

Painting their

black silhouettes

on an open sky.

Sometimes everything

has to be

inscribed across

the heavens

so you can find

the one line

already written

inside you.

Sometimes it takes

a great sky

to find that

first, bright

and indescribable

wedge of freedom

in your own heart.

Sometimes with

the bones of the black

sticks left when the fire

has gone out

someone has written

something new

in the ashes of your life.

You are not leaving.

Even as the light fades quickly now,

you are arriving.”

Art by Anne-Marie Silbermann

New! In February, after a long period of collective Wintering, hitting psychological bedrock and being adrift in psychic doldrums, there are hopeful signs that we can cautiously emerge from our caves and burrows like the Ground Hog and sniff the air for signs of the return of emotional Spring.

For the inside track, sign up to my February 2022 5D Report: “Life Stream Renewal” at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New! My best selling essential 14 Page: “Your Survive and Thrive Guide to 2022” is now available in the Shop on my website: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Steve Monks