5D Blog

Imbolc Greetings from the Ancient Isles….


Beautiful Imbolc art by Painting Dreams

Imbolc Greetings from the Ancient Isles….

“I am the initiator. I am the twinkle of an idea.

I am the spark that activates and inspires.

I am the light that illuminates manifestation.

I bring the energy that encourages the sleeping Winter world to begin to stir.

Feel my presence.

I am the spark of life in all things.” Brigid's Song

In a beautiful rite of hope and anticipation, Imbolc marks the midpoint between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox- "the Quickening” of the Year. It is Brigid's festival, the Goddess of healing, poetry and smith craft. She is a Goddess of Fire, of the Sun and of the Hearth, bringing fertility to the land and its people, closely connected to midwives and new-born babies.

As Above, so Below…this week’s astrology beautifully mirrors the ancient calendar. From February 3rd- when Mercury turns forward until April 29th- all planets are travelling direct. Most significantly, on January 29th Venus completed her 40 days and nights retrograde, having morphed from the Evening Star into the Morning Star and Light Bringer ready to re-trace her steps through Capricorn. Life will begin to pick up pace on every level.

February opens under a New Moon at 12° Aquarius conjunct Saturn and square Uranus in Taurus. The radically disruptive Saturn in Aquarius /Uranus in Taurus squares that in 2021 created such polarisation across so many aspects of our lives - vax/anti vax; culture wars; climate emergency/denial - continue right through 2022.

In 2021, Saturn had the most influence, playing out as restrictions by the powers that be on personal freedom. Now, Uranus is direct again in full-on Awakener mode, activated by a trine from warrior Mars in Capricorn plus a sextile from Jupiter in Pisces.

If you are a Fixed sign - Sun in Taurus/Leo/Scorpio or Aquarius - or have angles or planets between 7° - 15° of any sign, your leverage and potential is found outside your comfort zone and it probably won’t look/feel like anything you were expecting:

stabilise to become more resilient by recalibrating aspects of your life that are no longer fit for purpose

close the door permanently behind you on what is not working, has never worked or isn’t worth the struggle

explore passions and projects left by the wayside in the last two years to see if they can be rekindled and re-purposed

capture sudden insights into practical, workable, doable new visions, new models of business, new collaborations with like-minded people on your wavelength - ready to turn them into reality in March, April and May

No Sign Forecasts today-needing to rest.

New! February 2022 is a month for essential Life Stream Completions and Trajectory-Sorting.

For insights, tools and strategies, sign up to my February 2022 5D Report:” Life Stream Renewal” at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

“Thank you for your steadfast wisdom. You are one of the clearest, most consistent, and most profound interpreters I have ever found. Thank you, Lorna, for all you do. My readers love you.” Beth Owls Daughter North Carolina US

Steve Monks