5D Blog

There’s a mysterious door that appears when we stop attaching ourselves to the comfort of what we believe to be are our obstacles.


"There’s a mysterious door that appears when we stop attaching ourselves to the comfort of what we believe to be are our obstacles. This is where the light of our inner fire appears. This is where we start to see, feel and listen. This is where we stop pretending. And this is where we no longer seek refuge outside of ourselves..." Tanya Markul.

Today’s Leo Full Moon marks a personal, psychological, psychic and planetary crossroads. The Sun and Moon square the Nodes of Fate and Sedna, the Resurrection archetype across Taurus/Scorpio in a powerful Fixed Grand Cross. Mars and Venus are conjunct at 16 Capricorn.

Just days before the exact US Pluto Return, this Snow Moon is re-activating the degree of the Great American Solar Eclipse of August 2017 which literally occulted/overshadowed the US, dividing it in two.

At this energy crossroads preceding the rising Jupiter/Neptune April Tsunami of Inspiration and Dissolution, you have a choice to live Ground Hog Day on repeat or to apply emergent thinking - choosing to shift out of past entanglement towards seeding an entirely different future by deliberately re-routing your entrained and conditioned responses. This is an unprecedented opportunity to shift into the next cycle of remembrance, to release yourself from expired karmic contracts.

Begin by insourcing everything you’ve been outsourcing and deconditioning yourself, so you can be free and still live in a world that is not yet free. Enjoy the world but on your terms without being sucked into the denser energies.

So, instead of buying into either the usual utopian or dystopian projections of the future when we’re either living in heaven on earth with angel wings or we’re all toast, don’t expect it to be perfect and get comfortable with the mystery, with What Is.

The Chandra Symbol for the Snow Moon says it all:

Chandra Symbol Full Moon Leo 29: A broken sword

“Consecration to a higher power. The giving-over of the personal will -- the marvel of root change. Coming to the end of your own path, and it is just the beginning of the greater way. The heart must open. The infinite must be born inside. The necessity is there -- so much karmic backlog. So many ways to be right and to be wrong. The realisation in the very midst that there is nobody listening to the old tale and everybody is awaiting somebody else to come through. A profound and utter doorway into a great unknown. What has been is finished. What shall be is so very different. And what is now is a question and a prayer and a destiny that must find its redemption.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale.

Get your free February 13-20 2022 Week Ahead + Sign Forecasts at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New! My article: “Soul Sick Nation: The US Pluto Return 2022-30” plus chart is included in “Your Survive and Thrive Guide to 2022” in the Shop at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Steve Monks