5D Blog

Real transformation calls you to a place - metaphorically a desert or mountain peak


Time Crow Art by Harold Roth

“Real transformation calls you to a place - metaphorically a desert or mountain peak - where as you sit, the hard wind of reality strips away all the trappings of life, like so much clothing, make up and accessories.” Joan Halifax

Coming Unglued……

Tomorrow’s Pisces New Moon is both the epicentre and big reveal of the karmic outworkings and fallout from the so-called Great Reset that began at the epochal Saturn/Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn on January 12th 2020.

As quantum echoes, both these astrological events involve Pluto square Disruptor Eris working under the radar, insidiously and relentlessly collapsing the rotting floorboards beneath our feet. This New Moon is reverberating and magnifying the karmic US Pluto Return with a quadruple conjunction at 27° Capricorn of Pluto/Mars/Venus/Vesta aligned with the Node of Fate, a Saturn/Mercury conjunction in Aquarius, a Sun/Moon/Nessus/Jupiter/Neptune stellium in Pisces and a Chiron/Pallas conjunction in Aries.

Magnetics hold entire realities and worlds together and when those life cycles reach their natural Expiration Dates, that reality and world begin deteriorating, dissolving and eventually disappear. The magnetics that once held it together start to weaken and disperse - energetically dust to dust.

We are experiencing the collective magnetic fields further releasing more of the old reality structures and systems personally and collectively, internally and externally. Our old world and reality and our personal memories of our lives lived in it, are coming unglued due to continual magnetic changes.

Pluto is dumping both the rubbish and the Truth we buried because we didn’t want to acknowledge it right outside our front door in the bright light of day. There’s no point in pretending to be surprised or in pointing a finger of blame elsewhere.

The rising tsunami of the April Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces is the dissolving agent, ungluing old post war alliances and rules of engagement between nations as well as the geographical map.

It is a call to Revolution - a revolution in flexing our as yet untapped individual power as humanitarians and warriors when we act together in a global personal community beyond frontiers. This is no time to sit and feel hopeless and helpless - every single of us needs to be at cause, not at effect.

“Drop your maps and listen to your lostness like a sacred calling into presence. Here, where the old ways are crumbling and you may be tempted to burn down your own house. Ask instead for an introduction to that which endures. This place without a foothold is the province of grace. It is the questing field.” Toko-Pa Turner

Read your free February 27-March 6 2022 Week Ahead + Individual Sign Forecasts at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New! my MARCH 2022 5D Report: ”Grounding the New 2:2:2 Magnetics” has just been released. These Reports are essential guidance to the emerging pathways for Creatives, Way Finders and Solopreneurs. Don’t miss out- sign up monthly or annually in the Shop at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Steve Monks