5D Blog

The seismic shock window is wide open ....


Art by Kelley Hunter

The seismic shock window is wide open ahead of tomorrow’s Uranian Super Moon and the Awakener turning direct on Sunday. The temptation, after weeks of retrograde doldrums, is to leap into doing something-anything - to relieve your frustration. Override it. That’s old conditioning.

Alongside the welcome ripples of grace and possibility, you are also engaged in magnetic physical healing, repair and integration. Don’t jump straight into the Next before you experience the Now. You need to be rose rooted before you can create next season’s growth and deeply planted ahead of the mind/body/soul concentrating Aquarian Agenda as the Men in Black Saturn and Pluto change signs -and your reality- in March.

This poem by Morgan Harper Nichols says it all:

"Let January be January.

Let August be August.

And let yourself

just be

even in

the uncertainty.

You don’t have to fix


You don’t have solve


And you can still

find peace

and grow

in the wild

of changing things."

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"Your channelled insights, art and quotes combine on a cellular level in your monthly 5D Reports." Darlene S New York

Steve Monks