5D Blog

Reconnecting to the Grid….


Art by Marysetta

Reconnecting to the Grid….

“Mavericks see life through the lens of possibility. We dent the Universe.” Rebelle Society.

Just feel the cosmic electricity amping up as Sky God Uranus prepares to turn forward hours after the seismic Super New Moon at 1 Aquarius-the Awakener’s own sign. Notice your inner maverick stirring as if from a deep sleep.

With Transformer Pluto sparking off Uranian Aquarius in 8 weeks’ time, your new agenda is to handcraft a life that expresses your unique essence, your spirit, your Duende, why you are here. You are leaving behind the roles - all the settling for, the making nice, the barely breathing and calling it a life - and birthing a new level mission. The past is now inaccessible, no matter how hard you try to cling on to it.

The big shift in your evolution from 3D/New Age to the Aquarian Agenda happens when you get that enlightenment is not about leaving the world and your human traits behind but about integrating your quirks, idiosyncrasies, weirdness and sore and sensitive spots into what makes you You. That is your unique gift and the world needs it.

It’s not about conforming, twisting, or shaping yourself to fit the collective norms but about being gloriously liberatingly yourself - that is your genius and your essential soul imprint. You are not here to fit in, be well balanced or to conform to keep the peace or earn love. You are here to be eccentric, different, perhaps strange, perhaps just to add your small piece, your little ragged self to the great mosaic of being. You are here to become more and more your Self.

“Don’t become a spiritual zombie, devoid of passion and deep human feeling. Let spirituality become a celebration of your uniqueness rather than a repression of it. Never lose your quirkiness, your strangeness, your weirdness – your unique and irreplaceable flavour. Don’t try or pretend to be ‘no-one’ or ‘nothing’ or some transcendent and impersonal non-entity with ‘no self’ or ‘no ego’, ‘beyond the human’ – that’s just another conceptual fixation and nobody’s buying it any more. Be a celebration of what your unique expression is and stop apologising. Fall in love with this perfectly divine, very human mess that you are. There is no authority here, and no way to get life wrong. So get it all wrong. Fail, gloriously.” Jeff Foster.

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Steve Monks