5D Blog

The Great Release……


Art by Ellen Vaman

“I’m restless. Things are calling me away. My hair is being pulled by the stars again.” Anaïs Nin.

The Great Release……

As May opens, we are surfing a great wave of pure potential in a turbulent ocean of extraordinary power.

Saturday’s stunning Venus/Jupiter solar eclipse at 10 Taurus flung open the Gateway to 2 weeks of seismic geomagnetic activity which will culminate at the potent total lunar eclipse at 25 Scorpio on May 16th. These existential eclipses are influxes on steroids, accelerating the process of changing consciousness and deleting the past as they go.

Just feel the energy shift today as Venus enters pioneering Aries, amping up as Jupiter aspects Pluto on Tuesday before the Sun conjuncts unpredictable, volatile Uranus in Taurus on Thursday May 5th.

Feel how your sensory acuity and intuition being de-fragged, swamping you with messages, synchronicities and downloads from the ethers as the April Jupiter/Neptune tsunami floods your psychic receptors. Because your shifts are no longer coming through Mind, you may be feeling lost, dispersed, scattered or fragmented. Your old control and command centre is being disabled.

Notice how - without any conscious intention - your entire trajectory is re-aligning itself in a completely different direction. Aspects of yourself you have never before encountered are being fused together in the service of something much more radical, much more ancient, much more compelling than you have ever imagined:

let go of trying to make sense of where you are being pulled…….

just follow your instincts and begin to create, nurture, grow and build something lasting and beautiful, no matter how small or private

attune to the deeper intelligent unfolding coming through you

trust and dance with your unique rhythm of Create/ Manifest/Withdraw/ Incubate

live from your infinite creative potential, not from the history of your past creations .

New! Existential Times + Existential Eclipses… never has learning to future proof your resources and personal security been so crucial ahead of what’s to come......

My MAY 2022 5D Report:” Shaken and Stirred-the Taurus/Scorpio Eclipses” is essential guidance and master coaching for those of you who are sensitives, creatives, and path pavers and want to become consistently self-supporting.

Don’t miss out - sign up now to get 12 Reports per year for only $4.48 /£3.40 per month or one payment of $52.71/£40 in the Shop at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Freedom to create our very own, unique reality. That's what your work does Lorna. So I thank you because its massive what you are doing and its helping so many of us.” Katie M Clonmel Ireland.

Steve Monks