5D Blog

Caveat emptor! Buyer Beware!


Art By Bruce Rolff

Caveat emptor! Buyer Beware!

Don't fall into the trap of thinking that just because Monday’s total lunar eclipse across the financial signs of Scorpio and Taurus has been and gone that everything has now gone back to “normal” - whatever that is.

The cosmic thunderstorm of eclipse season is only just starting to ripple out through your life, the dominos tumbling through to the next round of cosmic wild cards in October and November - permanently removing whatever/whoever needs to go.

As predicted, inflation, the money markets, supply chains and food shortages are all in freefall and crypto currencies in crisis.

With Mercury retrograde heading back towards the eclipse degree and the smokescreen of Mars conjunct Neptune in the last degrees of slippery Pisces at the midpoint of Pluto and the eclipse Node of Fate, nothing is what it seems. Eclipses conceal - they don’t reveal, at least until the dust has finally settled.

The British Royal family is in the throes of behind-the-scenes manoeuvres, as the eclipse occults the Queen’s Mid Heaven conjunct Saturn. So, too, is China amid another unprecedented crack down amid intense secrecy about what seems to be a new strain of virus.

As the next crisis Agenda is fanned into flames via continuous 24/7 media disinformation/mass hypnosis, see through the deliberate drama, fear and uncertainty and listen to your own wisdom. Stay in neutrality.

Remember the sleight-of-hand occurring right now; things look like one thing, then the narrative flips.

This is the endgame phase of the very necessary Separation of Worlds:

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Steve Monks