Meeting Old Friends from Far Away
Art by Cathy McClelland
“Meeting Old Friends from Far Away” Tibetan Proverb
A heads up. If you’re flat lining, exhausted or tired but wired, you’re not failing but in a period of being taken “offline” as the Saturn/ Pluto/ Eris frequencies re-bundle old times lines, aligning you for something completely new. Notice vivid dreams with multiple scenarios, notice your extra-sensitivity to the Schumann spikes and energy frequencies.
As above, so below. The endings are relentless and unstoppable everywhere now in the 3D world….and mirrored in your own world. You don’t need to think about it, your emerging self simply Knows and witnesses what is leaving. It’s time. Actually, it’s past time to leave whatever now belongs in your museum of history and walk away without a backwards glance.
At the etheric level on the unseen Intranet of menders, path pavers, outliers, sensitives and planetary workers, new versions of Self and Soul Families are reconnecting in Flow Tribes forming and reforming around shared issues. As this unfolds in the months to come when 3 (!) Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions start to regenerate your energy field, you will notice a distinct shift from Ego Focus selfdevelopment/ obsession to Eco Focus community and connectivity.
A clue/sign that you are disconnecting from those not on your wavelength and re-connecting with fellow travellers wherever they are on the planet - despite nothing seeming to change on the outside - is that you begin to feel intermittently a deep sense Belonging and Homecoming.
So, despite all the inner planets moving forward, despite the karmic outworkings and the dramas playing out across the globe, there is nothing to do, be, practise, ritualise or strive for. That was 3D living …. this the shift from being a 3D Reactor to a 4D Witness to a 5D Generator, from being at effect to being at cause.
Some questions to re-frame your thoughts:
Now that my old maps have disappeared, what new strategies do I seem to be navigating by? What is my own guidance and wisdom teaching me that I hadn’t experienced before when I was focused on paying for other people’s hand me down advice?
Now that I’ve stopped struggling, striving, seeking, and searching, what new freedom have I discovered?
Since I stopped linear planning and trying to control the uncontrollable, where in my life have I noticed the next step just appearing in front of me?
As I continue to shed what I am not, stripping back to essentials, what is the greatest surprise and gift?
As I open to the possibilities in the collective chaos, instead of focusing on what I’ve lost, what is sparking my interest, summoning me to explore further?
What does my future look like if it’s full of what works?
New! My latest 5D Report February 2020: "That Was Then....This Is Now" is the inside track on what the huge Saturn/Pluto/Eris triple whammy and the incoming Aquarian frequencies mean for you.
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“Lorna has the unique ability to craft words that really do predict and describe the energies and then puts her wise woman magician spin on it....” Haumea H, Los Angeles, Ca.