5D Blog

Inconvenient Truths


Inconvenient Truths

A heads up! On Sunday Pluto begins a rare 12 month square with deep space planet Eris - the Disruptor and Awakener on a Uranian scale - deepening the Saturn/Pluto Conjunction into an ongoing Saturn/Pluto/Eris triple whammy, facing us with hugely inconvenient truths that can no longer be swept under the carpet. Remember 2016, when Eris hit Uranus and Trump and Brexit resulted? Now the stakes are higher - this is Eris/ Pluto as subversive, chaotic agents of non-negotiable transformation knocking on your front door. I write much more about this in my “Survive and Thrive Guide to 2020”.

Now add to this Neptune’s fingerprints all over this week’s astrology - in a conjunction with Venus and square Mars on the Great Attractor - and you have all the ingredients for a toxic cocktail of fear, rumour, disinformation and under the radar dealings at a political and global level. This could describe an escalation in the Chinese virus crisis and likely cover up - certainly an exact descriptor of Saturn (the body), Pluto (death), Eris (complete disruption of everyday life) and Neptune (an unknown cause and epidemic).

The Chandra Symbol for Eris at 23 Aries says it all: ”A Bottle Labelled Drink Me”
The force of events sweeps away who we thought we were and plunges us to a deeper place beyond the known. The sheer immediacy, the sudden clarity shifts mountains of intent into a different octave altogether. Being taken by storm is the most direct path from here to there. And when cosmic worlds are urgently coming through, the only smart thing is to step aside and make a huge amount of room for unexpected guests, at events you could never have arranged in your wildest dreams.” Elias Lonsdale Inside Degrees.

In your own life, inoculate yourself against the incoming toxic Thought Streams. Stay on your Witness perch, centred in your High Heart. Prioritise your personal ecology - your energy signature, the magnetic Field that surrounds you - that you live from, draw on and co-create: your breath, your physicality, your food, your creativity, your health, your heart, your frequency. For it to flow, for you to thrive, not just survive, you need to clear the river.

All is well. We are fully experiencing what it feels like when the older familiar realities - even if we hated them - are completely overwritten by higher frequencies. Lower, inapplicable versions of ourselves, our old time-lines/bandwidths of experience, are vanishing completely. Your energy signature, your heart and your inner circuitry are re-wiring themselves all at the same time, updating to the new Field.

This is akin to psychic surgery and every one of us is experiencing it uniquely in our way and at our own pace. No comparing your symptoms, your perceptions, your emotions, your beliefs with anyone else. There is nothing to do, be, practice or ritualise - the overwrite is unstoppable. Just be kind to yourself and create sanctuary.

For more on Saturn/Pluto/Eris, buy my “Survive and Thrive Guide to 2020”: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New! My new February 2020 5D Report: “That Was Then….This Is Now” will be mailed direct to Subscribers tomorrow January 27th. Sign up at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Lorna has the unique ability to craft words that really do predict and describe the energies and then puts her wise woman magician spin on it....” Haumea H, Los Angeles, Ca.

No Sign Forecasts this week.

Steve Monks