5D Blog

Ingathering and Insourcing……


Between the December 21st Inception Point of the Capricorn Solstice with its initiatory energy and the start of the January 1st New Calendar Year, today Mercury turns retrograde in Capricorn until January 18th conjunct Venus and Pluto.

With Jupiter at 0° Aries, the direction is future oriented - big visions of what could be/may be flickering across the screen of your mind’s eye. Yet, knowing that Mercury, Mars and Uranus are all retrograde until January 12,18 and 22nd, rather than trying to immediately pull these ideas half formed/half-baked out of the ethers to turn into reality, get curious about what is trying to be born.

As we start the shift into the Aquarian Paradigm, embrace the absolute opposite of the old 3D “New Year/ New Me/ New Start” song and dance and Do Nothing. Be still. Embody. Breathe. Be. Take the path of least resistance. Wu Wei.

Open up your connection to your own higher guidance by asking powerful higher-level questions which get to the heart of your purpose. Make ingathering your resources a priority - your time, love, life experience, passions, skills, gifts - whilst strengthening your physical foundations and personal ecology.

2023 is going to be historic. Saturn leaves Aquarius. Pluto goes into Aquarius. We’ve not seen anything like this in our lifetimes. As the separation of worlds physically widens between those who are Devolving and those who are Evolving, your choices matter. Everything counts.

Here and now, strengthen your inner resources, insource the power you’ve outsourced to others and, when your consciousness needs to step out of its old limitations, let it. Give yourself the time, privacy and space to embody and integrate the frequency shifts……and be prepared for “reality” to suddenly no longer play by the old rules.

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Steve Monks