5D Blog

5 Horsemen of the Apocalypse


This image of the 5 Horsemen of the Apocalypse is a perfect metaphor for the effects of Mars in Gemini turning Direct today after 10 weeks of retrograde. Mercury is still retrograde in Capricorn until January 18th so the cat’s cradle of ongoing disruption, strikes and communication breakdowns will intensify until the Super New Moon on January 21st.

Nothing is at as it seems, things are concealed and delusions and conspiracy theories get even weirder and more dangerous.

Everyone wants what they want …right now…no waiting ….and will do anything they can to get it. Stay well out of other people’s dramas and soap operas and think twice or even three times before posting on social media on divisive issues.

With Mars in the sign of the Twins, notice how easy it is to be hypnotised into totally polarised reactions to irrelevant media agendas designed to distract you from what is important- team Harry or William, anyone? Really??

As the Men in Black Pluto and Saturn make a last karmic sweep through Capricorn and Aquarius before they change signs - and our reality - in March, the separation of worlds is becoming more and more obvious. Make sure you choose your bandwidth of experience mindfully:

There is a high road and a low road. A muggle road and a magician road. A devil road and an angel road. An unconscious road and a conscious road.

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Steve Monks