5D Blog

Impermanence (n) - the way change falls in love with you


"Impermanence (n) - the way change falls in love with you " Andrea Balt.

A heads up…….the Dark Side of the Moon….

We’re about to plunge down the Gemini eclipse rabbit hole not to emerge blinking in the daylight until the end of July. The Gemini New Moon on Thursday is the gateway to 3 (!) consecutive wild card eclipses - June 5, June 21 and July 4 - which are going to take us on a back to the future adventure, activating first the Great Attractor then the Galactic Centre in one of those rare Hinge in History events.

The nature of the collective karmic chickens coming home to roost is going to shift dramatically as is your new mission….moving away from total obsession with personal security, belonging and sanctuary towards progressive thinking and problem solving.

This is a much needed re-calibration of Mind - of synthesising data into practical wisdom, a harbinger of the approaching historic zeitgeist shift from Earth to Air. On December 21st, 2020 we will have the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 0° Aquarius - a beacon of hope when a new 140 year Air cycle will begin. In 2023 Pluto will move into Aquarius until 2042 and everything changes. Earth values - materialism, consumerism, money, science - will be gradually replaced with Air values - intellect, information, collaboration, multi-dimensional understanding of the world.

New! Get ready to be Fast Tracked into 2020 Phase 2 if you’re a Way Shower, Sensitive, Maverick or Creative. For more, sign up to my June 5D Report :” Another Roll of the Eclipse Dice”: www.hareinhtemoonastrology.co.uk

Prepare for June’s wild card eclipses - buy my essential Eclipse Guide:” Making Eclipses Work for You”: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Steve Monks