5D Blog

A heads up! Incoming Gemini Information Overload…..


A heads up! Incoming Gemini Information Overload…..

Last Friday’s Gemini New Moon has just activated the 8 week eclipse tunnel from May 22 to the Cancer New Moon on July 20th. Starting next week on June 5th, get ready for not 2 but 3 wild card eclipses one after the other. When you emerge from the turbulence later in the summer, you’ll see how these sideways escalators- time/space shifts-have changed everything yet again, giving you an entirely new perspective on the virus, the Re-Set and the next 6 months.

If you’re a Way Finder, Sensitive, Maverick or Creative… welcome to superfast tracked Phase 2 Embodiment. You might think you’ve been there, done that, got the t-shirt, but this 2020 Phase 2 Process is going to demand even greater individual responsibility and more individual embodiment than in Phase 1.

This week, there are 6 planets/points in Air sign Gemini -Sun, Venus, Vesta, Node of Fate, Mercury- literally bringing a welcome breath of fresh air from the dense suffocating Earth energy.

Gemini’s ruler Mercury is at his Tricksterish best/worst in his own sign in contact with unpredictable Uranus, slippery Neptune, Mars, the Galactic Centre, Vesta and the Node of Fate. On Thursday 28 May, the Messenger crosses the world axis into 0 Cancer- the volatile eclipse degree of the approaching June 21st Solar Eclipse -one of those rare Hinge in History events.

Expect more incoming data than ever before- a veritable Tower of Babel of crossed wires, misinformation, fake news along with new information/decisions from governments contradicting themselves.

In your own life, this is not about trying to make sense of anything – how could you when, with all the retrograde change agent planets and incoming multiple eclipses, the ground is going to be pulled out from under your feet? This is about becoming even more skilful and adept at Inside/Out Thinking -understanding that your mind is not a camera but a projector with all the implications that brings.

Read your free May 24-31 Week Ahead + Your Own Sign Forecasts at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New! Get ready to be Fast Tracked into 2020 Phase 2 if you’re a Way Shower, Sensitive, Maverick or Creative. For much more, sign up to my new June 5D Report :” Another Roll of the Eclipse Dice”: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Prepare for June’s wild card eclipses - buy my essential Eclipse Guide:” Making Eclipses Work for You”: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Steve Monks