5D Blog

Everything, Everywhere, All at Once


Art by Elena Ray

Everything, Everywhere, All at Once

Timelines, beliefs, alliances -everything at every level is re-aligning and shapeshifting into new bandwidths of experience, as we hit turbulence in the Chaos Nodes - the intersection of multiple rare and historic energy cycles.

Just in case we hadn’t got the memo of “Now is not Then!” last week when Pluto entered Aquarius and Mars entered Cancer, in the space of this week, Messenger Mercury connects with the Great Attractor, Chiron, Jupiter, Eris and the Galactic Centre; Venus conjuncts Awakener Uranus in Taurus; Mars trines Saturn in Pisces and quincunxes Pluto in Aquarius and both Saturn and Pluto aspect the karmic Node of Fate in Taurus.

A heads up to prepare for April/May /June: in your own chart, start now by tracking the Pluto in Aquarius T Square to the Nodes of Fate across Taurus/Scorpio. Why is this significant?

A financial cycle not seen in 240+ years runs from late March to June 2023: Pluto at 0° Aquarius is square the Karmic Nodes of Fate at 1° Taurus/Scorpio. Saturn is at 1° Pisces. Jupiter is at 1° Taurus. Mercury is Retrograde conjunct Uranus in Taurus at 14 degrees, so that complicates things even more. Mercury moves back and forth from 5 to 15 degrees of Taurus, from Friday 7th April 2023, until Thursday 1st June. Expect a really shadowy or hidden moment on 5th May at the Scorpio lunar eclipse. Something rather interesting happens while all this is going on and that is the arrival of Jupiter - abundance, solutions, good fortune - in Taurus - for the first time in 12 years on May 16th.

These Chaos Nodes are acting as energetic sorting devices and cosmic recyclers:

• hold a calm neutrality, pay attention to what aligns and what drops away.⁠ Zero judgment on what is dismantling, both externally and internally.

• know that you are not failing ,you are not dying - you are re-orienting.

• acknowledge the truth of transformation and your capacity to shape it

• show up and refuse to feel powerless

• channel Pluto’s tremendous force of Will – turning the huge power and potential into fuel

• stabilise to become more resilient by recalibrating aspects of your life that are no longer fit for purpose. Pay attention to those creaking floorboards, weak links and shifting tectonic plates wherever they are in your life - it’s time to let them fall apart, break and shatter.

New! My subscriber-only APRIL 5D Report:” Dimensional, Magnetic, Elemental and Geophysical Flux” with Coaching Prompts on how to expand your Agency and Influence as the April Aries Total Eclipse kickstarts 18 months of shaking up your personal and client relationships. Sign up monthly or annually in the Shop: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New! Essential instant digital downloads:

“Your Survive and Thrive Guide to Pluto in Aquarius Part 1”

“Pluto in Aquarius Part 2- Coaching Tools for Personal Reinvention” In the Shop:


April’s 5D Report will be emailed direct to subscribers tomorrow Monday 27th March. No sign forecasts today.

Steve Monks