Drop your maps and listen to your lostness
Alithiometer Image Oxford Musuem
“Drop your maps and listen to your lostness like a sacred calling into presence. Here, where the old ways are crumbling and you may be tempted to burn down your own house. Ask instead for an introduction to that which endures. This place without a foothold is the province of grace. It is the questing field, most responsive to magic and fluent in myth. Here, where there is nothing left to lose, sing out of necessity that your ragged heart be heard. Send out your holy signal and listen for the echo back." Toko-PaTurner
Although it’s taken years, centuries ,as Pluto and Saturn shift the great wheel of the zeitgeist together, it feels as if an old life is suddenly going dark…….so many of our old formulae, old rules, old conformities, old safety nets, old traditions, old institutions are rapidly becoming historical artefacts, best left in the dusty museum of history.
As much as this may sound exciting in theory, in your own life the loss of old anchors and old comfort zones can feel scary, unsettling, disorienting and confusing ….it takes grit and grace to stop being attached to old thinking about the way “things should be, or used to be, or could be”. It takes some real courage to adjust to because it’s such a vulnerable space, there is nothing to cling to, no familiar reference points.
What you do have is your inner GPS – a factory installed, fully reliable guidance system with access to real-time data from somewhere beyond your inevitably limited perspective on things. Cultivating a deeper relationship with this inner sense of knowing is the single most powerful way of making better decisions, producing desired results, and navigating life with more ease and grace-no matter what is happening around you.
Just like the Alethiometer, your own guidance acts as a sixth sense, a unique compass that finds truthful answers to your questions. Check in with it by asking:
lost in translation somewhere between the Old Order and the New Chaos, what is my unique invitation to renewal and innovation?
now that my old maps have disappeared, what new strategies do I seem to be navigating by?
now that I’ve stopped struggling, striving, seeking, and searching, what new freedom have I discovered?
since I stopped linear planning and trying to control the uncontrollable, where in my life have I noticed the next step just appearing in front of me?
as I continue to shed what I am not, stripping back to essentials, what is the greatest surprise and gift?
as I open to the possibilities in the collective chaos, instead of focusing on what I’ve lost, what is sparking my interest, summoning me to explore further?
what is opening up when so much is closing down?
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