Collaborating with the Wild Man of the Cosmos….
Art by Anne- Marie Silbermann after Klimt
Collaborating with the Wild Man of the Cosmos….
Still reeling from August’s huge reality checks-climate emergencies, war, food and energy crises- as we enter September your inner compass is spinning wildly trying to get your bearings in a world turned upside down.
Unpredictable Wild Man Uranus -sitting on the degree of his 18 Taurus retrograde station conjunct the karmic Node of Fate and at odds with Saturn in Aquarius -is giving everything a weird, volatile and chaotic edge. As the seeds of revolution take root, just feel the collective mood swinging from panicked conformity to “enough is enough”. Accelerating demands for radical change will become overwhelming in October and beyond….
Time anxiety is trickling through the collective – that paradoxical sense of doing too much and not doing enough as Mercury prepares to retrograde at 8 Libra from September 10th at the Pisces Full Moon. It may feel like you are simultaneously being called to rest and called to service. Hard lessons about what is ethical and what is not will be learned as the Messenger opposes Jupiter in Aries not once but three times.
At a time when every aspect of your life is being monitored, hemmed in and commoditised, labelled, claimed and sold back to you bent out of shape, it’s more necessary than ever to find and reclaim the wild spaces. Not only the wild spaces out there but your inner wild spaces in here, those quiet corners of your soul that can be so difficult to preserve or access when faced with the noise of a world flux and in chaos. A chaos magnified to a deafening din by the always-on stream of news and opinion from social media and your devices.
We are now living on a dream plane - the digital astral plane where all rules of physical reality are suspended and from where we never come down because there is no ground of consciousness to come down to. Living online means living in diversion - being bored at a more frenetic pace.
Rewilding/reclaiming yourself is not a new build. It is a restoration of what has fallen to disuse or been trivialised or mocked or ignored or left behind. This is a restoration of certain aspects of you and your world, where your talents and ways of life, understandings, hard won works over the years, remain intact.
Slow right down, feel your feet on the ground and shift out of the spinning, out of your stuck thinking and self-abandonment. Something is erupting under the surface, longing to be integrated and allowed back home, but it is uncertain, raw, and unknown. Dare to care for yourself in a new way…set aside your demanding agenda to understand, change, even to heal… for a moment.
Dare to drop your hyper vigilance and step into the Mystery.
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