5D Blog

Are you sensing this liminal moment of Chairos


Are you sensing this liminal moment of Chairos time- out -of -time, lifting you out of Chronos linear calendar time as the gateway to the Libra Equinox on September 23rd swings open……? Regardless of the narratives you hold, many of us are feeling the shifting, flickering global emotional fields right now.

Tomorrow September 16th, the Sun forms a kite of fate to Neptune in Pisces, creating a Grand Earth Trine to Pluto and Uranus. Both Mars and Venus connect with the karmic point of the Great Attractor at 14-17 Sagittarius known as the Wavelength of the Voice of God.

With so many planets retrograde in this Mercury storm, these nebulous Neptunian shifting time-lines are creating space for unconscious reflection, repair and the reworking/outworking of old karmic distortions.

You are the creator, the writer of the stories of your life, but for the most part you are writing in invisible ink. Times like these bring your invisible writing to life so you catch a glimpse of the story you have written.

There is nothing for you to do, be, ritualise or practise- just be fully present and aware that, while Neptune is a source of inspiration, it can also be a smokescreen for the truth.

This poem by Jennifer Welwood says it all:

“There will always be voices that promise you greatness and glory:

They call out from the worldly marketplace;

They call out from the spiritual marketplace;

They call out from the fill-your-holes-marketplace;

They call out from the bigger-better-more marketplace.

Do not buy their false promises, or purchase their ephemeral wares;

What fulfils for a moment is not worth the price of your soul.

There are heights that will lift you, but not when you try to ascend them;

There are powers that will fill you, but not when you make them your own.

There are treasures, and there are imitations of treasures.

If you have lost your true gold, at least turn away from the glitter.

Want only what is true.

This will lead you to the well of your deepest sorrows.

Follow that passageway, all the way down;

Become the dark emptiness of your absent core.

Be still. Don’t measure the waiting.

Be still. Let the waiting become a fire.

Be still. Let the fire show you its secret heart:

A strand of clear light running through you.

Gather yourself there, and the luminous universe opens.

In that vast expanse, fathomless, infinite ocean of light,

Lose yourself, and find yourself, and become what you already are.”

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Steve Monks