Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.
“Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens” Carl Jung.
A heads up! Turn, Turn, Turn
As the Byrds and the Bible tell us: “To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn) there is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn) and a time to every purpose, under Heaven”.
November 2019 is a Punctuation Point in Time…... 2019 has been absolutely raw, brutal yet transformative on multiple levels for every single one of us and it’s not over yet. During this 11th month - a master number - it’s crucial to go within, becoming a master Intronaut, exploring your dreams and your depths, excavating the gold in your shadow.
Yet paradoxically, the Acceleration is on! The 2020 Freedom Codes and Time-line shifts are rapidly intensifying so the contrast between increasingly chaotic 3D outer events and the sense of expansiveness and peace gifted by your deeper Mind - your ground of being and your sanctuary - is huge……..
Ceres conjunct the Galactic Centre - our homing signal - is an urgent reminder that it’s time to make the big shift from obsessive self- development to looking after space ship Earth. 2020 and the decade of the Great Transformation is going to catalyse nothing less than a shift from 3D Ego-system to 5D Eco-system consciousness.
For your free November 3-10 2019 Week Ahead + Sign Forecasts go to : www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
New! If you are a creative, empath, solopreneur or way finder, November’s 5D Report:” Feeling the Heat of the Evolutionary Burn” was written for you. This is your essential inside track to navigating the next 7 weeks to the karmic eclipses and the game-changing January 12 2020 Saturn/Pluto Conjunction. We’ve arrived at the watershed moment in a 36-year process of awakening from layers of falsehood and distortion - you can’t wake up and stay asleep!
Sign up at : www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk