When you start to realise that transformation isn’t an adornment ...
“When you start to realise that transformation isn’t an adornment to your existing life, but its complete unravelling, everything changes……” Roshi Joan Halifax
A heads up!
Today’s Lunar eclipse at 20° Cancer is scything through worlds and timelines - separating the past from the future. The Moon in Cancer is at the North Node of Fate, the Dharmic future facing growth point of this eclipse. The Super Saturn/Pluto/Ceres/Jupiter/Mercury Conjunction - exact on Sunday 12th - in Capricorn is at the South Node. Both collectively and personally, we’re being knocked down by Karmic boomerangs of cause and effect- situations from the past that cannot continue in their current form.
Accelerating the urgency of the situation, both Uranus the Awakener and Eris the Disruptor turn forward on the eclipse.
Esoterically, hidden within the Cancer-Capricorn polarity is one of the deepest mysteries of all: the Mystery of the Great Cycle of Death and Re-birth.
There are two Great Gateways in the Zodiac: one is in Cancer, the other is in Capricorn. Cancer is known as the “Gate In” and Capricorn is known as the “Gate Out”. Cancer is the gateway into human form, which is why this sign is associated with birth. Capricorn is the gateway into Spirit, which is why this sign is associated with initiation through trials.
Creating /Being/Offering Sanctuary has never been so important. Just think about the continuous physical and emotional wear-and-tear/trauma you have endured in this present lifetime of yours. We all need some gentleness now. We all need some healing. We all need a rest. It starts with being kinder to ourselves and then kinder to others, making the leap to trusting in life again.
Your Cancer Dharmic Tasks: putting down roots wherever you are; developing an unbreakable inner sense of security and belonging; creating a sanctuary; calling in the tribe and family; being empathic and nourishing; becoming financially self-supporting. At the same time, you are called to engage with the world as a warrior for change in support of our planet. Your sanctuary is your base camp for action, not a monastery.
If you are a creative, empath, solopreneur or way finder, don’t miss out on my consistent Guides to the emerging pathways. Sign up to my January 2020 5D Report: ”A New Year on Steroids” and/or “Your Survive and Thrive Guide to 2020” : www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
“Thank you. To me all your Reports are so in-depth informative and mind-blowing that the work you do in the world cannot be overestimated. Blessings”
Irina L, Switzerland