5D Blog

When you live from your intuitive core

Art by Laurie Prindle

Art by Laurie Prindle

"When you live from your intuitive core, your belly, your heart, when you let your soul lead and spirit guide you, your words and actions will be naturally subversive. You will go to your edge. You will soften. Become wildly tender.” Melissa Laflamme

Dreaming, Visioning and Scrying

This is a time for staring into a fire or gazing into a candle flame to discern private visions of what is in immanence……. what is ready to materialise but not quite here yet.

The Sun is now in far sighted Sagittarius pressing the reset button in a bright New Moon on Tuesday November 26th. Sagittarius the 9th sign is a hologram of a centaur-half human/half wild horse - firing arrows towards the far horizon, ever on a quest towards the emerging future. The New Moon aligns harmoniously with Chiron in Aries downloading an influx of Centauric consciousness - the capacity for both differentiated rational thought (Mind) and intuitive awareness (Soma) of our connection to the unified Field that lies beyond what we perceive - the world behind the world….

For the free November 24-December 1st Week Ahead + Sign Forecasts go to: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New! My 15 page Special Edition 2020 5D Report:” The Great Reset” - your essential Guide to the whole of 2020 covering: the 6 Convergences; the Big Headlines; Personal and Collective Themes + Strategies for maximising the Freedom Codes.
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My 2020 Forecast will be mailed direct to subscribers on Wednesday November 27th.

Steve Monks