What If Life Has Far Bigger Ideas for You than You Do?
Art by Ellen Vaman
If you are a sensitive, empath or intuitive, you may be feeling overwhelmed as your old communication wavelengths go haywire re-setting to Pluto’s static Aquarian electricity. With Mercury and far-seeing Neptune now square the Galactic Centre - our homing signal and source of new radio waves- the Sun square the Great Attractor and the karmic Node of Fate conjunct occult Seer Chiron, think of it as being re-tuned to new bandwidths. First there’s interference and crackling, then white noise before a different information channel comes through.
Direct access to the universal resonance field aka the Noosphere or the Cloud is expanding your intuitive leverage through flashes of ESP, attunement, clairvoyance, clairaudience + synesthesia. Synchronicities and dreams, sensing, feeling, intuiting and grokking are your Self-to-Self communication channels.
It sounds exciting and it is but meanwhile going through this embodied enlightenment process can make you feel pretty flattened physically and emotionally. Some days you’ll wonder if this un-layering will ever end. And at other times you feel that incredible connection with your soul in a way you have never felt before. Even if it’s just for a few moments here and there.
Because your shifts are no longer coming through Mind, you may be feeling lost, dispersed, scattered or fragmented. Your old control and command centre is being disabled. Notice how frequently you are going "offline" to the old world and how - without any conscious intention - your entire trajectory is re-aligning itself in a completely different direction.
Recognise that Source is an open morphic field and it is alive. Send your consciousness out ahead like a scout, remote viewing all the roads that are available and viable. This is not a mind/thought process-you can’t understand what is still in immanence in the quantum realm. Identify which random Attractor has the most pull, the most resonance, the most click. Trust it, then go forward.
Power up to invest all your energy into your new world -where and how you want to live - not repairing what’s broken about the current world - where so many others still seem trapped.
Navigate by knowing that your newly expanded High Heart capacity is also your GPS, that insights are available to you at all times when you drop the need for them to have bells, whistles and drama.
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