“We're out there somewhere between the known and the unknown, trying to reel in both for a closer look.
“We're out there somewhere between the known and the unknown, trying to reel in both for a closer look." Anne Lamott
A solar wind stream hit Earth during the early hours of July 28th. First contact rattled Earth's magnetic field and sparked rare blue auroras over Canada, along with 4 alpha Capricornid fireballs over the USA.
Today July 29th, Mars moves into Earth sign Virgo opposing gas giant Jupiter followed on August 1st by a Sun/Mercury conjunction in Leo activating the game changing Saturn/Uranus square.
Fixed Star Regulus at 0° Virgo is known as the Watcher of the North …. its very recent glacially slow shift of millennia from Leo to Virgo is a hopeful sign that our cultural fixation with the tech titans, rocket ship blasting inventor - billionaires, digital pioneers, Brotopia, presidents and tyrants will gradually be subsumed by gender and ecological re-balancing.
Expect a lot of hot air! Mars/Jupiter means soap opera style dramatics, overpromising and under delivering, clashes of opinion and self-promotion. Sun/Mercury in Leo can be ultra-narcissistic ..all about Me, Me ,Me……!
Channel Mars in practical Virgo conjunct Regulus to do some house clearing - literally and metaphorically - to sweep away excuses for inaction and to start doing the next right thing, one step at a time. Turn Strong Will into Skilful Will.
With Sirius streaming through Leo this month between 2 (!) Aquarian Full Moons, we all need to be focusing on love, emotional intelligence and freedom.
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” Blowing in the Wind” covering the astrology accelerating the Climate Emergency, the karmic US Pluto Return, the 8:8 Lion’s Gate plus essential strategies for futureproofing your support systems: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
“Lorna, you never cease to amaze me ! You NAIL it ! Right to the core . It’s incredible “ Jann D Rhode Island USA