5D Blog

We are so small against the stars


We are so small against the stars, so large against the sky” Leonard Cohen.

A heads up!
Acceleration is on! The final 10/10, 11/11, 12/12 triple activation of 2019 is collapsing timelines.

Today lights the blue touch paper of one of the most powerful Full Moons of 2019 whose seismic ripples will last through to Wednesday 16th. As the fallout from the Full Moon impacts global events, expect the week to bring a series of significant decisions with lasting consequences - karmic bounce back.

In your own life, stay away from manufactured dramas which could turn into long running soap operas. If you channel this Plutonic energy, there is enormous potential to launch something important to you as a trailblazer and early adopter……

For the full Week Ahead + Sign Forecasts October 13 - 20, go to: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New! Sign up to my November 2019 5D Report: “Feeling the Heat of the Evolutionary Burn”. The 36 year Galactic Alignment reaches its grand finale with only 10 weeks to the Solar Eclipse and the January 2020 Saturn/Pluto Conjunction - everything counts: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Steve Monks