Tumbling through Time to 2020
A heads up! Tumbling through Time to 2020
Let go of everything…all your ideas about what happens next, about what it means, about steering events or controlling outcomes, about self-improvement. Just leave it all behind in your museum of personal history……. your Owner’s Manual you were given at birth is now an historical artefact.
Just like the Wizard of Oz, those 3D safety nets, solid floorboards under our feet, habitual ways of being are revealed as illusions. And now that the blindfolds are removed, everything looks completely different.
Until January 24th, we’re tumbling through Time - both earth time Chronos and deep space Chairos - through a series of high frequency doorways and like Inanna in the underworld being stripped of old distortions, in a shamanic passage of release, renewal and re-empowerment.
Frame it as the ultimate freedom, drop the addictive drama of watching the old world burn and align with the intense physical, emotional clearing and catharsis.
Gateway Dates
19/12 /19 The Sun aligns with the Galactic Centre
21/12/19 The Capricorn Solstice
26/12/19 New Moon Solar Eclipse 4 Capricorn conjunct Jupiter
10/01/20 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 20 Cancer
12/01/20 The Saturn/Pluto Super conjunction 22 Capricorn
This is a time of pure karma and pure possibility as the old, the atrophied and the akashic dross is eliminated, when the Universal Law of Gravity makes itself felt. But first you need the Will and desire to make radical permanent changes instead of tinkering at the edges. An old life is going dark.
These are new magnetics and new encodements. Before anything else, your physicality needs grounding as it the vector for your enlightenment - literally "taking in more light".
New! If you’re a creative, solopreneur, empath or way finder, don’t miss out on my January 2020 5D Report: “A New Year on Steroids” - full of survive and thrive tools and strategies: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk