Transformation isn’t sweet and bright. It’s a dark and murky, painful pushing.
Art by Cosmic Collage
“Transformation isn’t sweet and bright. It’s a dark and murky, painful pushing. An unravelling of the untruths you’ve carried in your body. A practice in facing your own created distortions. A complete uprooting before becoming” Victoria Erickson
What Has Been is being abruptly energetically and permanently ended.
If it feels weirdly like the End Days, even down to the arrival of the four horsemen of the apocalypse-famine, war, plague, death- instead, frame it as metaphor for the ending of two huge historic planetary cycles in a space of 2 years.
First came the one-off, global cease and desist Saturn /Pluto in Capricorn conjunction of January 12, 2020 with its non-negotiable fallout continuing in every part of our lives. Now this April 2022 one off Jupiter/Neptune transit is opening up massive energetic space for What Will Be. It’s not soft, fluffy and gentle… it feels like limbo, like the void, like death.
Right now, as Saturn Lord of Time and Karma in Aquarius encounters head on the karmic Taurus/Scorpio Nodes of Fate ahead of the Taurus Solar eclipse on April 30th, every single one of us is having a massive reality check. All of humanity is now—in different degrees, levels and stages—dealing with the intensity of the old world and reality falling apart directly under their feet, hearts, heads and lives. This is no longer about watching it happen to other people elsewhere. It’s now about everyone everywhere personally living it day and night.
As Above, So Below. The legendary Saturn-Pluto conjunction of January 2020 was the catalyst for the specific world-changing crises we now find ourselves in. It is not coincidental that the Saturn-Pluto conjunction took us into this crisis, and it won’t be coincidental that we lead ourselves out of it as the Legacy Generation when Pluto is in Aquarius.
In February 2023, Pluto makes the first contact with the critical 29 Master Degree- also known as the Fate Degree- where the Great Transformer prepares to exit Capricorn and move into Aquarius, with a new evolutionary remit - Phase 2 of the Evolutionary Burn.
Take heart…..between 2024-2026, another rare phenomenon will unfold: three transpersonal outer-planets – Neptune, Pluto, and Uranus – all enter new astrological signs that both initiate and support rapid and progressive evolutionary change.
New! For the inside track, get: “Pluto in Aquarius Part 1” in the Shop :
New! To prepare for the April 30th solar eclipse, get: “Making Eclipses Work for You" - containing 18 eclipse strategies, plus the 2022 eclipse dates/signs/degrees - in the Shop at