5D Blog

This is what it feels like to be brilliantly achingly alive.


Art by Sera Beth Timms

“This is what it feels like to be brilliantly achingly alive. Alive in the shatter. Alive in the empty. This is what it is to belong to things we cannot possibly understand. This is what it is to trust in the terrifying wisdom of our own becoming” Jeanette Le Blanc

If you are a Sensitive, during these End Days between the expiring old top-down Capricorn control of the 1% and the incoming collaborative Aquarian zeitgeist next year, your heartfelt longing for meaning and direction may seem totally elusive, even futile.

The key is to drop outer world positioning or planning as your compass and, instead, to track the slender threads of your unique evolution via inner processing. Drop the outer search for self-improvement - the “ego in drag” as Ken Wilber calls it - and listen for inner resonance.

The mystery is this: when you follow the quiet but insistent voice of your higher Self - your better angel - there is one right thing and only one right thing to do at every moment:

pay attention to those creaking floorboards, weak links and shifting tectonic plates wherever they are in your life - it’s time to let them fall apart, break and shatter

identify what is NOT yours and disengage from it… cut the cords, delete your expired hopes, erase your broken yesterday from your story

stabilise to become more resilient by re-calibrating aspects of your life that are no longer fit for purpose. Close the door behind you on what is not working, has never worked or isn’t worth the struggle

stop doing what you don’t want to do. If you’re serious about evolving, then one of the most powerful disciplines is to consistently not do what you don’t want to do. You work out what you don’t want to do - what no longer resonates with you - and you stop doing it.

“No” is a complete sentence. “NO, I am not going along with my self-created misery for another second longer. NO, I am not going to paper over my feelings just to be liked. Enough is enough. I am walking with what I know to be true. How do I know? By intuition, by scanning my body and feeling what is arising there.”

There have been too many weak yeses and not nearly enough big NO’s.

make it a priority to resource yourself in practical ways as fully as possible. We have all been under-resourced for far too long in terms of friendship, love, community, support and encouragement

allow interactions to be what they are, and only for as long as they are. Don't get too invested in anyone or anything. Watch out for old pathways disguised as new opportunity. Watch for the turning point in each moment.

connect with the parts of you that are non-Fragile and that actually benefit from disorder

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Steve Monks