5D Blog

This is what it feels like to be brilliantly achingly alive.


“This is what it feels like to be brilliantly achingly alive. Alive in the shatter. Alive in the empty. This is what it is to belong to things we cannot possibly understand. This is what it is to trust in the terrifying wisdom of our own becoming” Jeanette LeBlanc.

Watch as tomorrow’s New Moon in Leo spawns the usual spirituality-lite posts and images about goddesses and lions, claiming your sovereignty, letting your light shine, having fun and being noticed.

With everything that needs our attention in the world, isn’t it time to step out of the Matrix of the Self-Help industry and move beyond it? To break out of the endless narcissistic loop of the quest for self-realisation, personal brand mastery, self-success or soulpreneurship that keeps us disassociated from getting our hands dirty in the major crises/opportunities of our times.

Just like seeing through the emperor’s new clothes, see the Wasteland for what it is actually selling us: 24/7 never ending healing-themed consumerism as a distraction from noticing what’s really going on.

The Leo New Moon conjunct Ceres opposes Pluto in Capricorn and trines Jupiter stationing retrograde in Aries. The soul struggle for Leo is to get out of your own way, to orient yourself, your gifts, your experience to the whole. From Me, Me, Me to All of Us Together.

There is a certain alchemy in this that allows the unpicking of ingrained lessons/untruths about success /failure, of good /bad or beginnings /ends. That moves you past self-absorption to self-knowledge, to embody and to distil your creativity into medicine.

To devise a life that works for you, so that what you offer the collective is coming from overflow not emptiness.

Steve Monks